committee's and duties

Strategy and Development Committee


  1. Provide oversight for conducting needs analysis;
  2. Research other models;
  3. Define lines of business and funding avenues;
  4. Recommend criteria for program selection.

Initial Tasks:

1. Review and select committee responsibilities;

2. Assess priority of needs, community services and finances;

3. Identify and establish relationships with community organizations and businesses;

4. Determine ways of measuring program impact and growth;

5. Collect baseline information for needs, funding and expansion.

Legal and Governance Committee


  1. Review By-Laws and recommend revisions and updates;
  2. Nominate candidates for election of the Board of Directors;
  3. Establish structure and responsibilities for committee’s;
  4. Recommend criteria for program selection.

Initial Tasks:

1. Develop a work plan that identifies who has the primary responsibility for accomplishing each task;

2. Maximize the participation of every member. (People will leave if they don’t feel they are contributing;

3. Report on progress of work, according to the plan;

4. Adopt goals and objectives;

5. Establish board meeting schedule and attendance requirements;

6. Develop membership plan (including volunteer  functions, tasks list of potential members and other organizations which can provide assistance.

Marketing and Resource Committee


  1. Develop contact list for the media;
  2. Determine fund raising goals;
  3. Prepare marketing materials which depict mission and describe the reasons potential contributors  would want to contribute;
  4. Plan method to contact individuals and institutions to ask for a formal pledge or contribution;
  5. Develop system for thanking and recognizing contributors, and develop methods for keeping them informed and involved in the program;
  6. Devise record keeping system to ensure continuity and build relationships with donors;

Initial Tasks:

1. Finalize a logo;

2. Draft a brochure and other marketing materials;

3. Recommend plan to finalize web site http://www.evanstonhungrychildren;

4. Initiate a system for tracking all publicity (public relation efforts, news, stories etc;

5. Obtain pledges for entire amount of operating budget;

Establish method of communication  with neighborhoods, including meeting and events.

Operation Committee


  1. Develop operating budget;
  2. Develop accounting policies;
  3. Project cash flow for at least two years;
  4. Implement recruitment plan;

Initial Tasks:

1. Develop an operating budget;

2. Establish fiscal responsibilities (including who signs checks).

3. Set up bookkeeping procedures and simple accounting procedures;